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علمتنى الايام ان الصمت ابلغ من الكلام .. و علمنى الزمان ان لا انكسر لإنسان.. و علمنى الظلم أن يتربى لدى الصبر
------------------------ without love | empty heart | no memories | lonely ------------------------

its me on facebook

Friday, October 22, 2010

cactus hug

  • Our love like a balloon wants to give a cactus hug
  • Ugh chug.. impossible, my emotions ate by your bug
  • My life will never be like a music fugue
  • I want my heart well without any lug
  • At first with you I was a silver jug
  • Now with you too but I'm a broken mug
  • I want to give up my medicine drug
  • I want to be strong enough to face any tug
  • I'm sad with others i always nag
  • pray for me pray for you prostrate on pray rug
  • Ugh where were me where are me where the smug

Friday, September 24, 2010

i will never forget you

i will never forget any place, that i saw you there or felt your  trace

i will never forgive you when you leaved in my heart a big space

I guessed you at first my grace, so i thanked my god and prostrate my face

I bearded a lot in your love, but your pain to me go high above  

I treated you as if you are mine, unfortunately I discovered my fault over time

You will never understand and toward my actions will be forever stand

I'm shocked about what happened … between us in fuss , some words said to me like guns

I used to try but without lie at end I failed with cry so let me say... 

       7bibi goodbye

Sunday, July 11, 2010


مُر الكلام زى الحسام يقطع مكان ما يمر

أما المديح سهل و مريح يخدع صحيح و يغر

فالكلمه دين من غير ايدين بس الوفا على الحر

bitter speech like sword cut whatever it goes on

but, eulogy was easy and comfortable it deceive indeed anyone

your word like liability without hands only payed by free one   

Friday, July 9, 2010

لك بيت

قولى من يحمل الهم عنى وانت لا غبت لحظه عن عيونى و لك وفيت
ليه الصدود وليه عنى التخلى اشهد إنك فى عذابى اتماديت
إن كان قصدك بالغلا تمتحنى
انت الوحيد بداخل القلب لك بيت

Friday, May 28, 2010

Confidential mean of love...

love is when u miss her even before she leaves, when you could listen to her talk all night and never get tired of hearing her voice, when the sounds of her name sends chills down your spine, and you see her smile the second you close your eyes

love is when u miss her even before she leaves, when you could listen to her talk all night and never get tired of hearing her voice, when the sounds of her name sends chills down your spine, and you see her smile the second you close your eyes

Friday, April 9, 2010

kont 1(4) last 3

جزء مني أنقسم لما الفراق انحسم
الحزن بعد منه ابتسم و الجفن بحبر الدموع اترسم
النور باليل بقى زى النهار إندثر و الجرح بداخل روحى انتشر
الوحشه ليه و الزكرى جوة قلبى تاركة آثر
لما سيرته تمر قصادي بسمع صوته و بأسمى الحلو ينادي
 إختارلى يوم ميلادى افتكر فيه الصدمة دى
عنده حق ما حياتى بدأت بيه و مماتى من بعديه
حبيته غصب عني مش ضعف ولا قوة منى
مش حس ولا مرة بيا ولا بتأثير كلامه عليا 
ربى عالم باليوم دا و اثرة و الجرح اللى كلامة بقلبى حفره
سكت غصب عنى لما حسيت انه فى لحظة باعنى
مش هرجعله تانى بعد ما هانت عليه نفسى ينساني
مقدرش انساه ولا هنساه ولا كنت فيوم ناسى هواه
بكتب و الدمع والله منى سايل و كلامة في رأسي داير
لو كلمنى هضحك له و زى ما تعود مش هنطق له كلمه لمشاعره تحرق له
يارب ينسانى خالص و يرتاح بعدى و يقابل حد حبه زيى كده خالص
كنت بحبـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــه